“The Digital Traceability Certificate is the solution to ensure enthusiasts a valuation and secure their valuable objects.”
Through our Digital Traceability Certificate (CeDiT), we enable owners of exceptional items to obtain a valuation, to valorize, and to securely store the information of their assets. By ordering your CeDiT, Sacretok commits to creating the digital twin of your asset in the form of an NFT, which will then be linked to the Digital Traceability Certificate containing the asset’s history and valuation. The digital twin and the CeDiT are then recorded on the blockchain to guarantee valuation and traceability of your asset.
To ensure and maximize
In addition to providing a secure way to store and share the history of exceptional assets, Sacretok also offers a precise valuation service through our partner experts. With this valuation, owners can obtain a reliable estimate of the value of their asset, which can be essential for sales, insurance, or obtaining loans based on value (Hypo-Tech).
Blockchain technology allows you to transparently STORE the information of your rare object. All past history as well as future events will be validated, audited, and encoded in the CeDiT: the data is NON-modifiable, verified, shareable with industry stakeholders, and future buyers to ensure the INTEGRITY of the asset. SACRETOK thus offers you the guarantee of :
- a consistent INSURANCE VALUE,
- and an optimized SALE VALUE for a SECURE TRANSFER.
Valid for 2 to 4 years depending on the categories of objects, the Digital Traceability Certificate allows you to maximize the potential of your assets while preserving their initial values. The cost of the CeDiT varies depending on the objects and starts from €500 for its creation, then from €250 for its renewal or for any additional CeDiT on the same premium user account.
The valuation information provided by Sacretok (the “valuation”) or any other analysis and statement, is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute firm offers for the purchase or sale of vehicles.
As part of its mission, Collectionable by Sacretok, may issue analyses and valuations on one or more vehicles. They are based on available data and/or provided by the owner at the time of the request and may vary depending on various factors, such as specific vehicle characteristics, market conditions, and other considerations.